Mures Magnesium was created specifically to develop the former Bicapa fine chemical site into a reprocessing facility and become Europe’s premium waste to value site. When the new facility is constructed it will reprocess the 1.92 million tonnes of stored chemical process waste producing Magnesium metal (Mg metal), Chrome Oxide Green (Cr2O3), Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) and in addition produce a NaOH by product from the technology to be deployed.
This new processing facility will be the only producer of one of the EU’s key Critical Raw Materials (magnesium metal) supplying upwards of 15% into the EU’s industrial production base.
MMg is poised to be the first producer of Mg metal in the EU since the last EU based Mg plant closed more the 20 years ago and hence the MMg project has high visibility on the EU Raw Materials agenda. As a result of its efforts and the high priority of renewed Mg production in the EU, MMg secured an EIT RawMaterials funded project (Nr 21105) in June 2022 under the project title “EU Magnesium”.
With a site of 42 ha and the waste covering some 20 ha, the project will see the waste reprocessed over a 10-year period after which the process design is done to allow moving to locally sourced dolomite feedstock.
Magnesium metal Mg metal is used for alloying with aluminium and other metals for supply in the automotive, aerospace and defence industries and is currently 100% imported and 95% from China. Recent events have shown the weakness associated with a mono supply and the associated high risk to the EU’s critical and high employment industries. Some 90% of the worldwide magnesium production is via a highly carbon intensive process (Pidgeon process) within China.
MMg will utilise the proven alternative MgCl2 reduction route which has a CO2 footprint significantly lower than the Pidgeon process and MMg’s modified process will see this even lower than current industry average. Starting from reprocessing waste minerals the project is a first in the true circularity agenda of the EC, but added into this processing the waste effectively remediates the site.
Magnesium metal growth is expected to run at over 5% CAGR due to the move to EV’s, the need for additional lightweight materials and increased focus on rebuilding the EU military base – all heavy users of Mg metal. Mg use in motor vehicles is set to grow as the demand for extended EV battery performance demands lighter weight component production and this is regarded as the fastest route to CO2 emission reduction.
The MMg facility will result in 270 full time roles, and this is expected to grow with the likely placement of an Mg alloying facility adjacent to the MMg primary Mg metal facility. MMg also is of firm belief that aqueous Mg batteries have a bright future and this is evident from a recently released info from trials at Hong Kong University (HKU) as seen in the Innovation New Network publication : https://www.innovationnewsnetwork.com/new-rechargeable-magnesium-battery-demonstrates-excellent-performance/25740/
MMg will also see its future facility producing a high purity / low impurity Cr2O3 (chrome oxide green) product which will fill the current import chain in the EU with a low carbon footprint product into the all important refractory arena. Demand for the product is noted also in both the northern Asian and US markets adding the MMg circular economy and sustainable metals credentials.