Mures Magnesium will extract Calcium (Ca) and produce a Calcium Chloride (CaCl2) product suitable for industrial use
Calcium chloride is an inorganic compound, a salt with the chemical formula CaCl2. It is a white crystalline solid at room temperature, and it is highly soluble in water.
Calcium chloride is highly effective, and one of the most hydroscopic materials when it comes to absorbing moisture from the surrounding air. This makes it an excellent choice as an absorbing agent / desiccant.
Calcium chloride is often used for de-icing or dust control on gravel roads, in food or as the absorbing agent in desiccants. Predominatly calcium chloride is derived from limestone as a by-product of the Solvay process.
Calcium chloride can also be obtained from brine purification, or in the MMg case via a leaching process.
Also used for road surfacing, calcium chloride binds to dirt roads in a way that prevents the formation of dust. This lowers the need for grading by cca. 50% while the need for fill-in materials is decreased by as much as 80%.
Other common uses of calcium chloride include water treatment to increase the water hardness in swimming pools, in medicine to treat internal hydrofluoric acid burns and even cardiac arrest, in food applications and more.
Calcium chloride is not hazardous to the environment but classified as H319 according to GHS (causes serious eye irritation). It is a preferred replacer to NaCl (common salt) for roads de-icing due to its lower environment impact
Lower and Eastern European states import CaCl2 from northern states, hence the MMG product will lower the transport requirement for the region and subsequentially lower the CO2 for this important material